
LEGOLAND Dubai Parks and Resorts

From USD 80


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<div class="row justify-content-center mb-4"> <h2 class="col-11 col-md-10 text-center">One Park Pass - LEGOLAND® Dubai </h2> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center pdp-description-divider"> <div class="col-11 col-md-10 col-lg-7 pr-lg-5 offset-lg-1"> <p>Head to LEGOLAND&reg; Dubai for the ultimate fun-filled adventure based on everyone&rsquo;s childhood favourite. Immerse yourself in the incredible word of Legos including 40 themed rides, one-of-a-kind shows and exceptional attractions made from 60 million LEGO&reg; bricks. It&rsquo;s time to build some everlasting family memories!</p> <h3 class="h3 text-center text-md-left mb-md-4">What's included</h3> <ul class="list-unordered pb-lg-5"> <li>Admission to LEGOLAND&reg; Dubai</li> <li>Unlimited rides, attractions, and all park activities and shows</li> <li>Free parking at Dubai Parks and Resorts</li> <li>Complimentary buggy service during summer months</li> </ul> <h3 class="h3 text-center text-md-left mb-md-4">The Facts</h3> <ul class="list-option row text-left justify-content-center"> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.755 24.321H22.58v2.912a.758.758 0 0 1-.153.46.777.777 0 0 1-1.082.154L16.4 24.168a.764.763 0 0 1 .353-1.373.781.78 0 0 1 .574.145l3.709 2.76v-2.146a.774.774 0 0 1 .772-.766h4.947a1.697 1.697 0 0 0 1.7-1.686V10.066a1.698 1.698 0 0 0-1.7-1.686.77.77 0 0 1-.774-.766.77.77 0 0 1 .774-.766c1.788.002 3.243 1.446 3.245 3.218v11.036c-.002 1.773-1.457 3.217-3.245 3.22zm-5.59-3.154h-5.977l-4.78 3.557a.616.616 0 0 1-.99-.492v-3.065H5.092C3.385 21.165 2.002 19.794 2 18.101V7.066C2.002 5.373 3.385 4.002 5.091 4h16.073c1.708.002 3.09 1.373 3.092 3.066V18.1c-.002 1.693-1.384 3.064-3.092 3.066zM10.14 8.538H8.3l-2.987 6.914h1.516l.3-.691.298-.691h3.585l.598 1.382h1.518zm10.712-.197h-2.026V7h-1.352v1.34h-2.026v1.34h3.348a8.015 8.014 0 0 1-.196 1.212 7.999 7.997 0 0 1-.63 1.697 10.267 10.265 0 0 1-1.208-1.803l-.038-.072-1.201.612. 1.61 1.627 2.302a8.515 8.513 0 0 1-1.348 1.436 8.706 8.704 0 0 1-.445.35l-.18.127-.185.123.747 1.117a9.702 9.7 0 0 0 2.403-2.23c.339.266.699.502 1.085.695.208.104.424.192.645.269l.446-1.264a3.927 3.926 0 0 1-.415-.17 4.98 4.98 0 0 1-1.017-.657 9.294 9.292 0 0 0 .906-2.222c.144-.55.236-1.112.277-1.68h.701zM9.22 9.92l1.195 2.767h-2.39z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Languages</span>English, Arabic</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <path d="M23.605 29.5c-.159 0-.315-.007-.47-.018l-.108-.008a7.723 7.753 0 0 1-.432-.052l-.124-.022a7.554 7.583 0 0 1-.317-.064c-.05-.011-.099-.021-.147-.034a6.84 6.866 0 0 1-.562-.17l-.15-.056a6.26 6.284 0 0 1-.427-.18l-.056-.024c-2.128-1.018-3.597-3.162-3.603-5.644.008-3.47 2.864-6.272 6.366-6.272.236 0 .471 0 .679.03v-.026a6.507 6.532 0 0 1 1.915.494v.024c2.087.891 3.611 2.89 3.809 5.223l.005.08c. 0 3.473-2.864 6.287-6.395 6.287zm0-10.718c-2.476 0-4.51 1.999-4.51 4.431 0 2.434 2.034 4.433 4.51 4.433 2.475 0 4.509-1.94 4.509-4.403 0-2.462-2.034-4.461-4.509-4.461zm1.74 5.344h-1.74a.923.926 0 0 1-.944-.927V20.62c0-.522.413-.927.944-.927.53 0 .943.405.943.927v1.622h.796c.501 0 .942.435.942.956a.922.925 0 0 1-.942.927zm-4.157-11.24c.472 0 .855.377.824.811v1.39a.814.817 0 0 1-.824.812H18.86a.818.82 0 0 1-.827-.811v-1.39c0-.435.354-.811.827-.811zM9.281 15.9H6.95a.818.82 0 0 1-.825-.811v-1.39c0-.435.354-.811.825-.811h2.33c.47 0 .824.376.824.81v1.39a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812zm.824 4.316a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812H6.95a.816.82 0 0 1-.825-.812v-1.39c0-.434.354-.811.825-.811h2.33c.47 0 .824.377.824.81zm5.13-4.316h-2.329a.818.82 0 0 1-.826-.811v-1.39c0-.435.354-.811.826-.811h2.329c.47 0 .824.376.824.81v1.39a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812zm.824 4.316a.815.818 0 0 1-.824.812h-2.329a.816.82 0 0 1-.826-.812v-1.39c0-.434.354-.811.826-.811h2.329c.47 0 .824.377.824.81zm8.195-9.255H3.886v11.384c0 .522.413.928.943.928h11.06c.009.64.097 1.261.258 1.854H4.83C3.267 25.126 2 23.88 2 22.344V7.454c0-.694.265-1.332.707-1.824V5.6h.06a2.873 2.884 0 0 1 2.092-.927h2.092V3.427c0-.521.414-.927.943-.927H9.31c.53 0 .943.406.943.927v1.246h7.722V3.427c0-.521.412-.927.943-.927h1.415c.53 0 .944.406.944.927v1.217h2.063a2.81 2.81 0 0 1 2.092.927h.03v.059c.442.492.707 1.13.707 1.824v8.561a7.786 7.815 0 0 0-1.915-.402z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Accessibility</span>Wheelchair accessible</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <path d="M26.93 30H5.069A3.081 3.081 0 0 1 2 26.899V11.998h.019V7.896c0-.826.306-1.585.817-2.172V5.69h.07a3.28 3.28 0 0 1 2.42-1.103h2.422V3.104c0-.621.477-1.104 1.09-1.104h1.638c.613 0 1.09.483 1.09 1.104v1.483h8.935V3.104c0-.621.478-1.104 1.092-1.104h1.636c.615 0 1.092.483 1.092 1.104v1.448h2.387c.955 0 1.808.413 2.421 1.103h.035v.07c.51.586.817 1.345.817 2.171v4.102H30v14.9c0 1.7-1.357 3.102-3.07 3.102zm.778-3.826V11.998H4.291v14.176a1.38 1.38 0 0 0 1.377 1.394h20.693a1.38 1.38 0 0 0 1.378-1.394zm-17.39-6.182l2.155-2.043 2.006 2.177 5.118-5.176 2.082 2.104-7.274 7.368z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Availability</span>Year round</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <path d="M20.867 23.888h-9.734C9.41 23.888 8 22.53 8 20.87v-9.74c0-1.66 1.41-3.018 3.133-3.018h9.734C22.59 8.112 24 9.47 24 11.13v9.74c0 1.66-1.41 3.018-3.133 3.018zm-2.222-8.766h-1.646v-2.278c0-.446-.377-.808-.84-.808-.464 0-.84.362-.84.808v3.086c0 .446.376.81.84.81h2.486c.463 0 .839-.364.839-.81 0-.446-.376-.808-.839-.808zM11.299 4.25C11.3 3.013 12.351 2 13.635 2h4.729C19.649 2 20.7 3.013 20.7 4.25v2.22h-9.402zm9.402 23.5c0 1.237-1.052 2.25-2.337 2.25h-4.729c-1.284 0-2.336-1.013-2.336-2.25v-2.22h9.402z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Duration</span>6 hours (Sunday to Thursday from 11:00am &ndash; 8:00pm, Friday and Saturday from 11:00am &ndash; 9:00pm)</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <path d="M28.783 27.5H25.13a1.207 1.21 0 0 1-1.218-1.2V23.9H8.088V26.3c0 .662-.545 1.2-1.218 1.2H3.218A1.207 1.21 0 0 1 2 26.3v-9.787c0-.489.21-.955.578-1.279l1.72-1.514-1.785-.632a.786.788 0 0 1-.455-1.04l.19-.465a.763.765 0 0 1 .703-.481h2.58l.904-3.404a2.43 2.436 0 0 1 2.356-1.791h.412c-.014-.055 0-.644 0-.704 0-.389.32-.703.714-.703.394 0 .715.314.715.703 0 .039.006.667 0 .704h10.531c-.014-.055 0-.644 0-.704 0-.389.32-.703.714-.703.394 0 .715.314.715.703 0 .039.005.667 0 .704h.616a2.43 2.43 0 0 1 2.355 1.791l.907 3.404h2.578a.76.76 0 0 1 .702.48l.19.467a.787.789 0 0 1-.454 1.039l-1.785.632 1.72 1.514c.368.324.578.79.578 1.28V26.3c0 .662-.545 1.2-1.217 1.2zM4.435 21.094c0 .26.225.453.463.398l1.67-.384a.402.403 0 0 0 .302-.399c0-.224-.171-.407-.383-.407H4.818c-.211 0-.383.183-.383.407zm.364-5.588c-.199-.026-.364.16-.364.374v.803c0 .57.44 1.053.973 1.075l3.654.145c.133.006.243-.108.243-.25v-.724a.959.961 0 0 0-.85-.94zM24.017 8.36c-.187-.563-.569-.944-1.179-.944H9.162c-.61 0-.99.38-1.179.944L6.87 11.905h18.261zm3.547 7.519c0-.213-.164-.4-.364-.374l-3.654.482a.959.961 0 0 0-.85.941v.724c0 . 4.83c0-.225-.17-.408-.382-.408h-1.669c-.211 0-.382.183-.382.407 0 .192.125.358.3.399l1.671.384c.238.055.462-.138.462-.398z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Transport</span>None</div> </li> <li class="col-md-4 mb-md-4"> <div class="list-option-item"><span class="list-option-icon-wrap"> <svg class="list-option-icon" viewbox="0 0 32 32" xmlns=""> <path d="M29.87 8.712l.012-.031c-.406 1.25-.919 3.17-1.112 3.891l-.081.306c-.149.52-.765.875-1.407.81l-3.132-.321v10.18H7.85v-10.18l-3.133.32c-.64.066-1.258-.29-1.407-.809l-.081-.303c-.193-.723-.704-2.642-1.111-3.894l.012.031a1.755 1.76 0 0 1 .025-1.387c.179-.418.493-.756.823-.881l.01-.005L3 6.435c.398-.127 9.104-2.803 9.474-2.917l.06-.018h.522l.075.318c.323 1.383 1.503 2.352 2.868 2.356 1.366-.004 2.546-.973 2.87-2.356l.073-.318h.525l.058.018c.37.114 9.076 2.79 9.475 2.917l. 1.387zm-5.72 18.133c0 .802-.571 1.655-1.627 1.655H9.476c-1.056 0-1.627-.853-1.627-1.655v-1.577h16.3z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="list-option-caption">Dress code</span>Comfortable and casual dress is recommended</div> </li> </ul> <p>Enter the colourful world of LEGO&reg; to experience joy-filed rides and awe-inspiring attractions as you witness bricks coming to life before your eyes. Embark on an incredible brick-based adventure with 15,000 LEGO&reg; models, six themed lands and endless attractions to explore.</p> <p>An absolute must-visit for families with kids aged 2-12 years, LEGOLAND&reg; Dubai promises a day full of non-stop action-packed interactive fun. Head to MINILAND boasting no less than 20 million LEGO bricks and a 10-metre play table to create your own skyline.</p> <p>Get a glimpse behind the brick curtain as you visit the FACTORY, and find out how the world-famous bricks are actually made. Don&rsquo;t miss your chance to snap some unbeatable photos with any of the LEGO Characters as they make their way between the fresh LEGO casting lines.</p> <p>Get your driving licence at LEGO CITY, experience Merlin&rsquo;s Challenge at KINGDOMS, and spark your inspiration by exploring ADVENTURE and IMAGINATION Land. One thing&rsquo;s for sure, LEGOLAND&reg; Dubai is guaranteed to deliver an exceptional escapade!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3 class="h2 text-center text-md-left mb-md-4">Good to know</h3> <ul class="list-unordered"> <li>As you arrive at Dubai Parks and Resorts, make your way through Riverland to reach LEGOLAND&reg; Dubai.</li> <li>Pick up a map and check the daily show schedule to make the most of your time.</li> <li>All live entertainment, rides and activities are included in the ticket price.</li> <li>Tickets are valid for 90 days.</li> <li>Park hours are subject to change.</li> <li>All attractions close 30 minutes prior to park closing.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 pdp-description-side"> <div class="pdp-description-side-figure"><picture> <source media="(min-width:1024px)" srcset=", 2x" /> <source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset=", 2x" /> <source media="(min-width:568px)" srcset=", 2x" /> <source srcset=", 2x" /> <img alt="LEGOLAND Dubai" class="pdp-description-side-img" src="" /> </picture></div> <div class="row justify-content-center justify-content-lg-start"> <div class="col-11 col-md-10 col-lg-9 pl-lg-4"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-12"> <h3 class="h6">Best for</h3> <ul class="list-unordered"> <li>Couples</li> <li>Family</li> <li>Kids</li> <li>Solo travellers</li> <li>Leisure travellers</li> <li>Business travellers</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-12"> <h3 class="h6">Age Policy</h3> <ul class="list-unordered"> <li>Children under the age of 3 years old can enter the attraction for free.</li> <li>Adult pricing is applicable for visitors from the age of 3 years.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
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